About Me

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Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom
I am a media management student at Uclan. This blog is part of my work as part of my media management studies at the University of Central Lancashire. you can contact me at JPan3@uclan.ac.uk

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Teenagers receiving drug and alcohol treatment in different England

The chart below shows the number of teenagers who receiving drug and alcohol treatment in different area in England. The figures shows both female and male. According to the chart, we can see that north west had the highest number of young people are receiving support for substance misuse and East of England have the lowest number. We also can see that the total number of males have much more than the total number of females.  Most of the teenagers  who are being treated for drug dependencyare in the area of North west are males.

Monday 15 November 2010

Jean's leisure time

This video was shotted by myself and the interviewee Jean who is my new friend in Preston, she shared how does she spend her leisure time to us.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Harrington Building (University of Central Lancashire)

Harrington Building belong to the University of Central Lancashire. It has a lot of classrooms in it and I study Multi-platform content creation in this building.

Harrington Building ( Original image)

The symbol mark of University of Central Lancashire
( 100 pixel wide by 100 pixel high version in jpeg format)

A corner of  Harrington Building
(400 pixel wide by 300 pixel high version in jpeg format)

Harrington Building
(200 pixel wide by 500 pixel high version in jpeg format)

Monday 18 October 2010

My experiences of starting a blog

Recently, blogging has become more and more interesting for lots of people. We can see blogs everywhere on the internet.
Blog is a space to spread your own thoughts,also blog can be used for news, reviews, organization, business. It is a particular way of network publication and published articles on the internet. No matter professional and amateur journalists they both can use blogs to publish breaking news. Many news were live updates by bloggers, people can know as them happen. Blogging is also can hearing back from and connecting with other like-minded folks.
Blog is not a new thing for me. My first blog was set up two years ago on Netease, because many friends around me had a blog then I followed them. I use it to record my though or somethings happen in my daily life. I shared them with my friends on the internet. I found blogging is not very hard to me. Last week I started a blog on blogger, it is in English medium blog, I also can deal with it easily. I fund that blogger is very easy to make changes to my template, add html, et.
All in all, blog will be helpful for my study, I will make full use of it.

This post was written by PAN JUN. You can contact JUN at JPan3@uclan.ac.uk